Sunday, January 11, 2009

Limit Photos Rolex Sydney Hobart 08

Well a lot has been written about the 2008 Rolex Sydney Hobart. Suffice to say it was a fast race, we finished in just 1 day 23 hours and had a great result on handicap. We were happy to be third round Tasman Island and beat our sistership Loki on time and over the line. Here is a selection of photos from the trip down.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hi Fi back in action for 2009

Here I am in sunny Langkawi for the Royal Langkawi International Regatta. We arrived on Sunday for the regatta which started Tuesday. So far we've had four races and as usual the points are quite tight. Unfortunately it's a disappointingly small fleet of five boats in the racing class. So far we've had three seconds and a third putting us even on points with Quantum and one point behind Jelik after a drop.
Awesome sailing conditions up here and the heat and sun are a marked difference to where I was last week down in Hobart.
Photos and more reports to come.